
Fitness Health Nutrition

Weight Loss Plateau Breaker – 10 Tips!

During a weight loss journey, you may reach a point where it seems you cannot lose weight any further. Let’s dive into 10 tips that you can test out to overcome such disruption!

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The Importance Of Warmup Before Your Workout

How often do you follow your fitness instructor or gym trainer’s recommendation to warm up before your main workout? If hardly, you aren’t alone. It turns out that most people do not warm up before they exercise! The warming-up process is regarded as a crucial part of every workout, which is why fitness experts place […]

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Fitness Health

Make Exercising With Your Kids A Health Goal!

Getting your children involved in fitness activities at an early age will help them develop healthy habits.

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Fitness Health

How To Find Motivation To Lose Weight

How can you adopt the right mindset to start and see through your fitness or diet program? Below are 5 tips…

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Why Aerobic Exercise Is Important

Aerobic exercises bring about endless health benefits, and the best thing is you do not require expensive equipment or gym memberships…

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I’ve Stopped Losing Weight? Tips To Get Going Again!

There can be several factors leading to a slowing down or stopping of weight loss. Some reasons include low-intensity exercise routines…

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Fitness Health

Top 3 Foods That Increase Metabolism And Burn Fat

Not in any particular order, here are the top 3 healthy foods that increase metabolism and burn fat!

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4 Daily Bodyweight Exercises Everyone Can Do

It goes without saying that exercising daily does a world of good for your fitness and physical shape, but more than that, it also helps with your brain health, memory and energy levels, while reducing the risks of you getting chronic illnesses. The best thing is, you don’t require any access to gyms or tons […]

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Don’t Waste Your Time On These 5 Fitness Myths!

Fitness myths – we’ve all inadvertently encountered many of them on our journey towards getting leaner and fitter. In this article, we take a look at 5 commonly mistaken beliefs about fitness, and set the record straight about them so that you may have greater clarity, and thus more success, be it in the gym, […]

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